Sunday, August 28, 2016

In the Ground

Freed some daylilies from pots, and planted them between the roses:
They include the three I bought at the Macedon Plant Lovers market 6 years ago, which were dug up from my garden 2 years ago and have been living in pots ever since. Also a "black plush" daylily purchased in June at the Spring Park nursery at Eganstown, and another mystery one which no-one remembers either digging up from a previous garden, or buying anywhere lately. So that one will just be a nice surprise when it flowers!

1 comment:

Julierose said...

I love daylilies--unfortunately so do the deer!! I stopped planting them as they got all eaten just as they were ready to bloom ACK!!! That "black plush" sounds amazing!!
I love the names they come up with...hugs, Julierose